Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Big Sad Wolf !

We were so lucky to have the three talented actors who came to perform their very funny show to us.  We have written about their visit and here are a few of our recounts.

Last Friday in the afternoon we went to a show called The Big Sad Wolf. I liked the part when the wolf hid in a rock and fell down and tried to be nice.

On Friday we went to see The Big Sad Wolf. It was fun. We got to clap our hands and my ears were ticklish.

Last Friday afternoon after lunch we saw a show and I liked it. It was called The Big Sad Wolf. I liked the judge because he did a good job. It was nice.

On Friday we went to see The Big Sad Wolf. It was cool. I liked the bit when the wolf blew off the man’s clothes. They got changed so quickly. There were 3 people.

Last Friday afternoon we went to a show. It was called The Big Sad Wolf. He was very very very sad and silly. He had some handcuffs. He was sent to jail. After a while he got out. After a while The Boy Who Cried Wolf walked onto the stage. But the wolf was not naughty he was sad because he always was told off.





1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your stories about the Big Sad Wolf, it sounded as though the actors did a great job - well done Room 6.
