Sunday, May 27, 2012

Disco Fever

On Friday night most of the class were at the disco. We all had made a real effort to dress up in our best clothes as well as in keeping with Zoo theme. It was really exciting to be at school when it was dark and we loved dancing together and waving around our Glow Sticks. When the disco came to the end we were hot from dancing so much, happy from being with our friends and tired at the end of another long week!


  1. Hi Room 6, I hope you had a fun time at the school disco. My favourite part was air guitar dancing. What was your favourite thing?
    From Michael and Room 19

  2. I really like seeing all of you having very good fun and i got a prize for air gater. Sorry if i made a mistake when i was writing. I won a water gun i was CRAZY in the air gater i was like a real rockstar. I really liked that song that was at the disco on air gater it was my faveroute band singing. By Callum R19
